El Puerto de Santa Maria is located in Spain. It is also known as Ehl’-Puehrto-de-Santa-Marija,El Puerto,El Puerto de Santa Maria,El Puerto de Santa María,El’-Puerto-de-Santa-Marija,PXS,Portus Sanctae Mariae,Pto. de Sta. Maria,Pto. de Sta. María,Puerto,Puerto de Santa Maria,Puerto de Santa Marija,Puerto de Santa María,al bwyrtw dy santa marya,elpueleutodesantamalia,sheng ma li ya gang,xelpwyr to de san ta ma ri xa,Ель-Пуерто-де-Санта-Марія,Пуерто де Санта Марија,Эль-Пуэрто-де-Санта-Мария,إل بويرتو دي سانتا ماريا,เอลปวยร์โตเดซานตามารีอา,エル・プエルト・デ・サンタ・マリア,圣玛丽亚港,엘푸에르토데산타마리아.
El Puerto de Santa Maria has a population of approximately 88364 people.
Fajr | 06:37 |
Sunrise | 07:47 |
Dhuhr | 13:36 |
Asr | 16:53 |
Sunset | 19:25 |
Maghrib | 19:25 |
Isha | 20:36 |
Imsak | 06:27 |
Midnight | 01:36 |
Firstthird | 23:33 |
Lastthird | 03:40 |
There are five main prayers that Muslims perform each day. These prayers are a fundamental part of a Muslim’s daily routine. I’ll walk you through each of them, and also talk about the importance of sunrise and sunset in Islam.
Fajr (The Dawn Prayer):
Dhuhr (The Noon Prayer):
Asr (The Afternoon Prayer):
Maghrib (The Evening Prayer):
Isha (The Night Prayer):
Now, let’s talk about the importance of sunrise and sunset.
Sunrise: In Islam, sunrise is not just a physical phenomenon; it’s considered a blessing. It’s a new day and a new chance to do good. Moreover, the time just before sunrise is regarded as a special time for prayer and reflection.
Sunset: Similar to sunrise, sunset is also seen as a spiritual time in Islam. It marks the end of the day, a time to reflect on one’s actions, to be thankful for the good deeds, and ask for forgiveness for any wrongs.